Early Intervention


baby, smile, portrait-2972221.jpg

Milestones and Beyond

Very often we, as parents, are the first to notice if something is off with our kids. A lot of those problem appear and have to be in addressed before the age of 3.

That is exactly what happened to my two daughters – thanks to the Early Intervention support system, I have received free services from OT, PT, and Special Ed teachers.  After my kids greatly benefited from the program, I have decided to learn and become early intervention provider myself. 

As a part of Early Intervention, I teach infant massage and help with unintegrated reflexes – read more here and here.

Concern about your child’s  development? Interested in bonding with your child using infant massage? Noticed uncoordinated or awkward movements?




  • rolling
  • sitting
  • crawling
  • walking
  • stair climbing
  • torticolisis
  • scoliosis
  • awkward gait
  • toe walking
  • high/low muscle tone
  • hypersensitivity
  • balance
  • coordination